Can you ship my item by C.O.D.?

C.O.D. method is accepted for domestic shipping.
Yet in regard to this method, the shipping and handling charge will differ depends on the size of the box so please check ‘C.O.D. shipping charge’ beforehand.
*C.O.D. shipment request will be shipped by carrier delivery of Yamato Transport. The shipping carrier cannot be specified.
*Contractually, only cash payment on arrival is acceptable for buyers.

In case an item shipped by C.O.D. was returned, a shipping charge of the shipping carrier will be applied in addition to the returned item charge.We kindly ask for your understanding. For the process of returned C.O.D. shipment, refer to this page.

Please make sure that on the screen, [Setting] > [Payment Information] > [Transfer Destination Account Registration] register ‘Transfer destination’ which enables us to perform transfer.

The price of revenue stamp charge, 200 yen will be charged for a C.O.D over 54,000 yen.
Find out how we process sales amount of C.O.D by reading our ‘Process for the sales amount of C.O.D.’.

[Setting Screen]
Check ‘C.O.D.’ under ‘Shipment product information’
*In the case of C.O.D. shipment, ‘Total amount’ field must be input.
*Set a total amount between 324 and 300,000 yen.


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