How can I alter/cancel ‘Shipment request’ with ‘Ready for picking’ status?

Alteration of ‘Shipping address’ and ‘Specified delivery date and time’ can be made for domestic shipping while only ‘Shipping address’ can be done so for international shipping.

In case alteration of product information or product quantity is needed for a shipment on and after the ‘Ready’ status, cancel the shipment request once and then make a new shipment request.

Additionally, alterations of shipping address or addressee details made after ’Ready’ status cannot be reflected on these details on the included detailed statement.

See the alteration/cancellation methods.


Alterable Entries


All entries, including product name, product quantity and shipment option


All entries, including product name, product quantity and shipment option


・Domestic shipping : shipping address and specified delivery date and time
・International shipping : shipping address


・Domestic shipping : shipping address and specified delivery date and time
・International shipping : shipping address


・Domestic shipping : shipping address and specified delivery date and time
・International shipping : all entries are unalterable


All entries, including product name, product quantity and shipment option

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